Become A Member


FAMILY MEMBERSHIP* $485/household (Flat rate. No hidden costs.)

65+ MEMBERSHIP* for individuals 65 years of age or older: $435/household (All household members must be 65 or over).

INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP* for one person only, with no additional members: $435/individual

*This rate is good for new memberships and anyone who has not been a member of Gwin Oaks Swim & Tennis for at least 3 years. 

Otherwise, please see the Returning Member info below.



Membership is open to the public. If you have any questions please email us at [email protected].


STEP ONE: Pay For Your Membership      

Pay via Zelle to [email protected] or Venmo to @gwin-oaks (8048) – Please include your name and email in the comments, so we can verify your payment! 

New members may make payments throughout the winter and spring, in any amount, via Zelle, Venmo, or check.

If you prefer to pay by check, please mail to the address at the bottom of the page.

Memberships are not refundable.


STEP TWO: Print and Fill Out the SAYOR Form

All members of your household, over 18 years of age, must read and sign the Swim At Your Own Risk Waiver. <–click here
To submit electronically, download the SAYOR form to your computer, fill it out and email to [email protected]. Alternately you can print a copy of the SAYOR, fill it out and bring it with you when you pick up your key. 
We cannot accept SAYORS that are not completely filled out. Please do not leave any blank fields.


STEP THREE: Arrange to Pick Up Your Pool Key! 

Email [email protected] to schedule a time to pick up your pool key.
Bring your filled out SAYOR form with you when you come to pick up your key. If you are unable to print a copy, please let us know and we will provide a copy for you.
We cannot issue your key until we have your SAYOR form on file and your membership is paid in full.
If paying by check, please allow a few days for us to receive your payment.


When you become a member you will receive the following:

  • Access to swimming pool and clubhouse
  • Access to pavilion and cabana area
  • Access to tennis courts
  • Access to playground and basketball court
  • 1 key per household
  • Bring up to 6 guests
  • Updates about upcoming events sent via Remind app



Early Bird Rate: $485/Household  $435 Senior/Single – Pay at least half of your returning member dues by March 15, 2025, and lock in at the Early Bird rate!

After March 15, 2025, the rate for returning members is: $535/Household $485 Senior/Single

Returning members may make payments throughout the off-season, in any amount, via Zelle, Venmo, or check.

Pay in full by March 1, 2025 and receive $25 off your 2026 membership.

We cannot issue your new key until we have your SAYOR form on file and your membership is paid in full. Keys will be available in May, when the pool opens for the season.



Please make checks payable to River Oak Village Recreation Association and mail to:

Gwin Oaks Swim & Tennis – Treasurer
724 River Oak Loop
Lawrenceville, GA 30044